Sunday, July 3, 2016

Ever heard of dip eggs?

          E             Ever heard of dip eggs? I grew up with Sandra Drumon Cull and she mentioned her dad used to make them. Even though I'd never heard the phrase, I could imagine they featured a soft yolk suitable for toast dipping. What she
described hit the mark. So I've been asking around and researching and no
one from around here seems to have used this charming phrase. I found a
woman from Philly who called them dippy eggs.
          So just thinking about that cheerful bright yellow and crispy toast points
makes you want some, right?
          Here's how Sandra's family makes a dip egg.

          Put a small amount of oil in the skillet and heat it up. Crack the egg into
the skillet and cook on medium heat. Using the spatula splash the grease on
the top of the egg and yolk until the white of the egg is done but the yolk
is still soft. Then it is ready for you to dip your bread in the yolk and

My bad egg
          The reason the dip eggs came up is that I had a double-egg incident I was
sharing with Sandra. Another friend convinced me that Eggland's Best Eggs really
are superior, and worth the extra cost. I've been enjoying them and decided
to venture into brown eggs as well. For my lunch, I'd made two boiled brown
eggs. Or so I thought.
          I was sitting in the car when I cracked it open and yellow goo went down my
arm. I quickly moved my hand outside the door and began a parking lot
cleanup. After that tedious process, I then noticed the bulk of the yolk had
gotten all over my pant leg and on the car seat.
          I should learn from that, right? For some reason I was sure the second egg
was okay, and moved it into the side pocket of a purse I like. Guess what. I
had a second gooey mess to clean up.

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