Monday, September 2, 2024

Feeling Festive? Fall for these flavors


Did you ever need to get to the heart of a matter of something you didn’t realize had a heart? Did your Pops love pop? Fancy some heat with your sweet? Culinary Thrill Seekers, try these for fall fun:


                     Feeling Festive – Festive Chickpeas has trademarked chickpeas garbanzo hearts. They have hearts? I’m not a scientist, but I am a snacker, so I’m into 20 grams of protein that crunch well, explode with flavor and fill me up. I’ve enjoyed attempts to air fry these beans, but this is better. I’m keeping them handy for snack attacks, salad croutons and lunch boxes. I dig the ‘80s style guy on the package who urges us to “celebrate snacktime.” Crave the Crunch is the slogan. Crunch on Ranch, Nacho Cheese, Sour Cream & Onion, Spicy and Honey BBQ.


                  A Pop my Pops Would Love – Down south we often call any cola a Coke, but I’m hearing up north that’s “pop.” Still my born-in-Beaumont dad referred to all that stuff as “sodee pop.” I imagine he’d love popping open “Sodee Pop,”  a friendly little can of fizz one of “those” healthy moms created. The orange juice one I enjoyed says “NO” to high-fructose corn syrup, chemical preservatives, dies or artificial colors. You can subscribe to these flavors – and feel good about your kids popping them – from


Bee’s Knees – I opened a bottle of Local Hive Honey chipotle hot sauce on Friday and it was nearly gone by Monday. Eggs, fish, salad and popcorn got this treatment. Sweet and hot is the bee’s knees for me. Local Hive Honey offers Texas Blend for breakfast joy. Try over yogurt and pastries or stirred into coffee. A spoonful helped me sooth a cough as well. American beekeepers are sourced for raw, unfiltered honey strained to retain flavor and pollen from the region. Makers say it’s an energy-boosting BFY sugar swap with 21 vitamins and minerals and 4,000 living enzymes to support digestion. But don’t make your honey complicated… just enjoy. The beese and their keepers are doing all the work.


Darragh Doiron is Port Arthur area foodie ready for fall flavors… pumpkin spice or otherwise. Share your seasonal bliss with her at

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