Sunday, April 26, 2015

And now for some cheese

Brie, baby
Brie is already my favorite. Does such a fine cheese need to be gussied up with more goodies like nuts and raspberry jam?
I had the pleasure of sampling some baked brie with house made caramel, toasted almonds, fresh strawberries on grilled foccacia and crostini. I nearly teared up at the experience. It took me months to play with that notion that something sweet and/or salty would be good on most any white cheese and I did a quick test of microwaving white cheddar in a glass dish and spreading a bit of something like hazelnut spread on top. Again with the weeping. Can’t wait to play around some more.

Blue cheese
A little blue cheese goes a long way. I ‘ve been nursing a block for weeks by releasing a few crumbles onto eggs in the morning or salad for l lunch. I took a hint from restaurants and melted a tablespoon onto a grilled steak. Sometimes we forget about blue cheese until we see it on a menu. Go ahead and go blue right at home in your own kitchen.

Got it
People have been asking if I got my Haggen Dazs because I shared a story about enjoying other frozen treats on the way to tasting this one. I finally did, under unusual circumstances.
I enjoyed a great Orange Community Players’ production of The Great American Trailer Park Musical and after the show we passed a Kroger. My husband and I agreed to share a small carton of coffee flavored Haggen Dazs even though that little container housed 3.5 servings and even though he’d have preferred butter pecan. I wanted to eat it on the garden swing they had displayed in the store but compromised and dined in the deli. There were no spoons so we carved out the hard ice cream with think plastic knives. Awkward, but fun and delicious. That was date night in Orange.

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